Wednesday, April 25, 2012

83.52 down 16.48 to go!

I can't believe I am actually going to make this goal!

I have gone past Banff!

Last night my workout went so well, I am so glad I did this challenge! My endurance is so much better, and I can tell I am in overall better shape.

And for the first time in my life, I actually want to go to the gym.

I have always hated the gym before. Even in college, when I was using the amazing athletic facilities at the University of Oregon which are sponsored by Nike and are amazing. I always felt like I didn't really belong. Like the girls in fancy matching workout gear, who looked so determined, were the people who belonged there, not me who is so uncoordinated I had to get off the machine just to take a drink of water without pouring it on myself.

But after 6 months of being the type of person who goes to the gym, it has finally started to feel comfortable. And I can drink water while working out on the elliptical, without falling or spilling.

I just hope I can continue to channel this motivation into weight loss.

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